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About ClassJazz


Berit Engblad


The voice of  Berit is soft and caracteristic and makes your heart and ear melt.

She has experience as a Band Singer for decades, and has made her way to Jazz through her ear for Ballads and soulful singing. 

She was brought up wtih 

Country Music, Elvis and Fats Domino etc.. Never thinking she ended up singing the Jazz, she just couldn't resist it... Just as You can't resist her voice...

"Jazz is a feeling, more than anything else. It isn't"

Peter Kevin Kofod


Peter Kevin Kofod Is educated at the RDMC and Rythmic Conservatorie of Copenhagen..His sound and melodic feeling is the trademark of ClassJazz.

Peter has 40 years of experience in the Danish Music Scene as an allround and professionel Musician. Drums, Piano are some of the other instruments he contains. He has as well been playing as a classical educated musician, French Horn, for many years international, among others, Berlin, New York, Perth,, Paris and Stockholm.

“If you have to ask what jazz is, 

you'll never know.” 

Carsten Svanberg


Carsten Svanberg has many years of experience as a professional musician and educator with a conservatory background. He has been playing in various settings as both studio and live performer and has toured in Germany, the Netherlands as well as Denmark. For several years he has been living and performing abroad in such places as Dubai, Montreux and Høvringen in Norway.

Theis Coermann


Theis Coermann graduated from MGK in 2022 and moved on to Rytmical Conservatory in Odense. Theis has, as the big talent he is, allready made a "print" as a very good drummer by performing in varius constallations, but it`s as the regular drummer in ClassJazz he has made his international "break through" and accompagnied Kimberly Gordon, N.Harms; Simon Thorsen a.s.o.

"Drummer who did it for half the team" - Boris Rabinowitsch.

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Let music flow in your heart and enrich your soul

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